Sounds and Shapes of Arabic Letters: A New Way To Teach English Speaking Students Arabic Alphabet

Sounds and Shapes of Arabic Letters: A New Way To Teach English Speaking Students Arabic Alphabet

Paperback (15 Nov 2021) | Arabic

  • $29.38
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Publisher's Synopsis

The shapes of some widely known objects resemble the shapes of Arabic letters. The method shown in this book uses this quality to shift the present method of learning Arabic letters from teaching to perception. For example, if a learner looks at the Arabic letter and the drawing of a cow's horns on the front cover of this book, this letter's shape INSTANTLY is retained in the learner's memory. There is no need to write it repeatedly to memorize its form because it is beside a reminiscent object's shape. No other book provides such effective reminders of letters' shapes. The present way of learning letters is by introducing them INTO memory. This book offers a recall FROM memory. This revolutionary method actualizes an INSTANT remembrance of the forms of Arabic letters. For best results, students should study the book six days ahead of formal course books. It saves time and effort.

For example, the letter "s" is the first of the letters of the words swan, snake, sun, sword. If you draw waves under the letter "s", you will get the shape of a swan. The shape of the swan is an effective REMINDER of the shape of the letter "s". If you draw a tongue and connect it to the upper end of the letter "s", you will get the shape of a snake. The shape of the snake is an effective REMINDER of the shape of the letter "s".

Now, English-speaking students will be able to sound out Arabic letters INDEPENDENTLY by using the sounds of English letters! Moreover, they will be able to identify the shapes of Arabic letters INSTANTLY! In this book, I used shapes that REMIND students of the shapes of Arabic letters. Worldwide, formal coursebooks TEACH students the shapes of letters.

Book information

ISBN: 9781627343725
Imprint: Universal Publishers
Pub date:
Language: Arabic
Number of pages: 68
Weight: 245g
Height: 297mm
Width: 210mm
Spine width: 5mm