Publisher's Synopsis
Some of the northernAdirondacks' most beloved ski areas have sadly not survived the test of timedespite the pristine powder found from the High Peaks to the St. Lawrence. Evenafter hosting the Winter Olympics twice, Lake Placid hides fourteen abandonedski areas. In the Whiteface area, the once-prosperous resort Paleface, orBassett Mountain, succumbed after a series of bad winters. Juniper Hills was"the biggest little hill in the North Country" and welcomed families in theNorthern Tier for more than fifteen years. Big Tupper in Tupper Lake and OtisMountain in Elizabethtown defied the odds and were lovingly restored in recentyears. Jeremy Davis of the New England/Northeast Lost Ski Areas Projectrediscovers these lost trails and shares beloved memories of the people whoskied on them.