Demon Lake

Demon Lake

Paperback (12 May 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Sheriff Evan Stovall and Officer Josh Constance have had some pretty strange cases fall into their laps. Angels and spirits have a way of finding them. So when they receive a call to verify that a ghost is in residence, they take it as a pretty routine research opportunity. Meanwhile, in Tremor, the afterlife goes on as usual until a little girl missing part of her soul shows up. And a drowned man discovers that Hell might have been better than what he got in the end. It all started with a ghost hunt. Then the hunt got wilder--and more terrifying--than anyone could possibly imagine.

Book information

ISBN: 9781625262134
Publisher: Solstice Publishing
Imprint: Solstice Publishing
Pub date:
Number of pages: 296
Height: 10mm
Width: 6mm
Spine width: 1mm