Bella and the Blue Genie

Bella and the Blue Genie

First Softcover ed.

Paperback (26 Apr 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Could there be a genie in that magic lamp?

Bella is so excited when she discovers an old lamp, because it looks just like the lamps in those stories she loves. What will happen if she rubs it? Will a genie appear and offer her three wishes, just like in those stories?

She rubs it and... presto! A real-life genie! But the genie looks so... blue--in more ways than one.

Bella does everything she can to cheer Genie up, and along the way she discovers an important lesson: there's more than one way to make wishes come true.

Evolved Publishing presents a fun and fantastic tale to offer valuable lessons while entertaining your young readers.

Jonathan Gould tells a warm and funny story about friendship and responsibility, with fun illustrations from Richard Tran that bring the colourful world of a child to life.

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  • Bella and the Blue Genie
  • Maddie's Monsters
  • Thomas and the Tiger-Turtle

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Book information

ISBN: 9781622530885
Publisher: Evolved Publishing
Imprint: Evolved Publishing
Pub date:
Edition: First Softcover ed.
Language: English
Number of pages: 44
Weight: 95g
Height: 254mm
Width: 178mm
Spine width: 2mm