Healing Healthcare

Healing Healthcare How Doctors and Patients Can Heal Our Sick System

Paperback (21 Apr 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Not long ago, “bedside manner" was a physician's most potent medicine. Now that skill has dwindled to bland, generic amiability, and has been all but lost behind today's compelling healthcare technology. The bedside manner's shrinkage would be tolerable if medical high tech could cure everything, but these amazing tools are alarmingly cost-ineffective in treating most patients—those who suffer from chronic, incurable illnesses and the effects of detrimental lifestyles. Paying far too much for too little return, Americans are understandably demanding healthcare reform, which we're told lies in rearranging national finances. But beyond financial adjustment, authentic reform will have to come from reinstating ancient, intimate healing relationships between patient and doctor.

Healing Healthcare describes how we arrived at this sorry impasse and where we need to go with a system that is as damaging to its doctors as it is to patients. Dr. Jeff Kane pinpoints and examines America's love affair with medical technology, insistence on evading death at any cost, and practice of enabling unhealthy lifestyles. At its heart, Healing Healthcare shows that healing can begin only once doctors see patients clearly as individuals, and that through intimate contact, suffering can be productively treated.

Book information

ISBN: 9781621534617
Publisher: Skyhorse
Imprint: Skyhorse Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 362.10973
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 168
Weight: 220g
Height: 210mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 13mm