Pink Ice

Pink Ice From the Journals of Samantha Bloodworth - Walking on Mars Serial

eBook (30 Jun 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Flaviu Cebanu, a celebrated but controversial artist, has set his sights on Antarctica for his latest endeavor. Flaviu travels to the ice-covered continent on board his yacht, The Impressive, along with a film crew and his two companions, Japanese twin girls half his age. Samantha "Sam" Bloodworth, a journalist assigned to cover the event is offered the opportunity to view it from on board his yacht. As a journalist, she plans to observe and write the best article she can, although from her own point of view though, she is somewhat disgusted by the assault on the environment.Flaviu has received death threats and those who oppose his stunt start to arrive to try and stop him. Massive speakers have been set up on barges that are anchored just off shore. As the first strains of Mahler's symphony begins and the first plane swoops in to drop the dye, Flaviu and Sam have more to worry about then how the event goes off-first they have to survive.

Book information

ISBN: 9781618686282
Publisher: Permuted Press
Imprint: Permuted Press
Pub date:
Number of pages: 32
Weight: -1g