Publisher's Synopsis
Research shows that when schools implement a suicide prevention program, self and peer-generated referrals increase. Hazelden Lifelines® Intervention: Helping Students at Risk for Suicide is a whole-school program that educates on the ways to be fully prepared and how to address and respond to threats or signs of suicide and intervene-before it's too late.
Written by a coauthor of Hazelden Lifelines®: A Suicide Prevention Program, Lifelines® Postvention, and Lifelines® Intervention is the third installment in Hazelden's comprehensive suicide awareness and responsiveness program and builds on the foundation of the 'competent and compassionate school community.' This program introduces the "Tell Me More" format of intervening on a student at risk for suicide, and provides information on how to prepare to interview an at-risk student, gather collateral information about the student's risk for suicide, and address specific topics.
Hazelden Lifelines® Intervention also provides clear guidance on how best to involve parents and guardians as partners. Other topics addressed include the challenges presented by bullied students, members of sexual minorities, and students in gifted special education classes. The program includes a manual, video, and CD-ROM of reproducible material.
Video includes Spanish subtitles.