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The World's Greatest Story

The World's Greatest Story

Paperback (03 Oct 2012)

  • $19.54
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Publisher's Synopsis

This book, "The World's Greatest Story," is an exciting and particularly useful examination of Church history. It is only when we understand our past, that we can put our present in its proper context and gain a useful perspective. Knowing Church history enables us to take meaningful, positive steps that will impact the future. It is a lack of historical knowledge that often forces us to repeat the same errors our spiritual forefathers endured at great personal expense. Gathering an understanding of Church history helps us understanding HOW we came to where we are today. It also gives us concrete examples of what has been done both right and wrong, laying within us, a firm foundation for spiritual growth. More than anything else however, knowledge of Church history builds our confidence as we consider the great victories and advancements achieved by those who have gone before us in Christ.

Book information

ISBN: 9781615290468
Publisher: Vision Christian Ministries
Imprint: Vision Publishing (Ramona, CA)
Pub date:
DEWEY: 270
Language: English
Number of pages: 222
Weight: 304g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 11mm