Publisher's Synopsis
Have you ever gone frog kissin'? Of course, we are not really talking about actual frogs, or are we? The thing about frogs is you never know when a frog will turn out to be a true prince, but of course of you kissed a real frog you might get salmonella poisoning, so it might not actually be a good idea. And you should always wash your hands after touching a frog. Award winning author, attorney and former teacher, Penelope Dyan uses this 'learn to read' book to open up a discussion about people and the old adage 'you should never judge a book by its cover.' Use this book to start a discussion and then see where your child goes with it. You might learn something from your child, because children are filled to the brim with goodness, if we don't frighten it away. There will always be good and bad, right and wrong, honesty and falsehood in this world. Children only need to be taught the difference to make a change. Practice reading skills through the use of word recognition, and word repetition and rhyme, and then have fun watching the fun music video that goes along with this book on the Bellissimavideo YouTube channel.