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A Comparative Outlook at Psychology Versus Scientology

A Comparative Outlook at Psychology Versus Scientology

Paperback (01 Apr 2013)

  • $20.13
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Publisher's Synopsis

In A Comparative Outlook at Psychology versus Scientology, psychology and the wellness and being aspect is covered objectively. It is the mental origin of the psychological life of man that this book is concerned with. This book shows how the psychology and wellness aspect is pertinent to human evolution in America and around the world. It is with the wellness aspect of human psychology that man can be successful in all other areas of life. This book is the latest work in intelligence that the U.S. Security/Police Agency has chosen to be what might be the cutting edge of American evolution to date.

Book information

ISBN: 9781608624881
Publisher: E-Booktime, LLC
Imprint: E-Booktime, LLC
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 68
Weight: 0g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 4mm