Publisher's Synopsis
"Applesauce" is the story of an apple named Jonathan. Author Diana Howard and Illustrator Michael Morrow have taken a simple fruit and given to it the feelings of a small child. As you get to know Jonathan, you will grow to love him and the charming message of his story. You will never look at an apple the same way again.
Jonathan is an apple that begins life in the spring as a small pink blossom. He spends his summer hanging on the tree branch of his parents, listening to and learning about all that he can see and hear around him. He learns that he is not alone. He learns to be kind. He learns about those who are different than he is. Like all little children, Jonathan grows up and leaves his parents to find his place in the world. "Applesauce" is a delicious and healthy "treat" for children and adults alike. We have Jonathan and his friends Mac, Alexander, and Allington Pippin to thank for it!
Diana Howard is a writer of poetry, short stories, and essays. "Applesauce" is her first children's book. Jonathan's creation stems from her visits to a local family orchard each fall and her hours spent in her kitchen making "Nana's Applesauce." She lives with her husband in South Dakota.
Michael Morrow is an artist and builder living in Pittsboro, North Carolina.