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2017 TExES Social Studies 7-12 (232)

2017 TExES Social Studies 7-12 (232)

Paperback (30 Jun 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Are you ready to teach Social Studies in Texas? Use our high quality study guide to help you pass your teacher certification exam and advance your career. Our TExES Social Studies 7-12 study guide offers total preparation for prospective Texas teachers to get ready for the TExES Social Studies 7-12 exam. Three skill-aligned tests cover the following Domains: I. World History (15%), II U.S. History (20%) III. Texas History (13%) IV. Geography, Culture and the Behavioral and Social Sciences (13%) V. Government and Citizenship (13%) VI. Economics and Science, Technology and Society (13%) VII. Social Studies Foundations, Skills, Research and Instruction (13%). These are broken down to 9 Competencies, and further to 70 Skills. Utilizing this guide will ensure that you have experience with all of the specific competencies and skills within the Domains.

Book information

ISBN: 9781607876090
Publisher: XAMOnline
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 388
Weight: 903g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 20mm