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2017 NYSTCE Multi-Subject: Teachers of Childhood (Grades 1-6) (221/222/245)

2017 NYSTCE Multi-Subject: Teachers of Childhood (Grades 1-6) (221/222/245)

Paperback (18 May 2017)

  • $40.13
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Publisher's Synopsis

This study guide includes information on NY state standards and a comprehensive review of each of the 35 core elementary education competencies. In addition to content-specific information for each of the seven domains, you will learn effective teaching strategies to use in your future classroom. Specific topics include:  Literacy development  Reading comprehension  Effective teaching strategies  Writing processes  Mathematical terminology and symbols  Algebraic functions  Geometry  Scientific inquiry  Technology  American history  World history  Fine arts  Personal well-being The sample test comes with an answer key, an organized table to show the difficulty of each question, and a detailed explanation for each correct answer. As an added bonus, all essay prompts come with detailed sample responses. With nearly 500 pages to guide your studying, this guide is a must when preparing for your teaching certification in New York.

Book information

ISBN: 9781607874850
Publisher: XAMOnline
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 482
Weight: 1170g
Height: 280mm
Width: 215mm
Spine width: 25mm