Uncle John's Electrifying Bathroom Reader for Kids Only!

Uncle John's Electrifying Bathroom Reader for Kids Only!

eBook (01 Sep 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Kids will love Uncle Johns Electrifying Bathroom Reader For Kids Only! with its over 288 pages of wacky and fun content. Now, as a follow-up to our first book for kids, we present volume two for our youngest fans. Illustrated and easy to read, the book includes fascinating facts, toys and games, celebrity quotes, forgotten history, silly science, myths and legends, humor, sports, and more.Organized by topics as well as by length (short 1 page; medium 2 pages; and long 3-5 pages), the book also includes astounding fast factoids on the bottom of every page. Open it to any page and read about:Gross stuffGoofy grownupsWorld class losersMonsters and dragonsthe real storyTongue twisters, brain teasers, and quizzesThe history of video gamesDumb moments in TV historyAmazing animalsTestimonials:"The Bathroom Readers are the most interesting and coolest things around." Jennifer S."Im not big into reading long and boring books. Ever since I have discovered your book, I cannot put it down! Its perfect for people like me!" Raelyn H., age 14

Book information

ISBN: 9781607106883
Publisher: Portable Press
Imprint: Portable Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 081
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 288
Weight: -1g