Publisher's Synopsis
- In the second volume of Shimura Takako's superb coming-of-age story, our transgendered protagonists, Shuichi and Yoshino, have entered the sixth grade. Shuichi spends a precious gift of cash from his grandmother on a special present for himself, a purchase that triggers a chain of events in which his sister Maho learns his secret, and Shuichi inadvertently steals the heart of a boy Maho is interested in. The "woman" who showed so much interest in Yoshino becomes a mentor and friend to the two children. The kids go on a class trip that is a rite of passage Shuichi would rather pass up. Shuichi is called a "faggot" by another boy and the dramatic nature in which Saori comes to Shuichi's defense leads the two to discover a shared fondness for Anne of Green Gables. But despite his propensity to cry, Shuichi finds strength and courage he didn't know he had.