Assessing Risk of Spousal Assault

Assessing Risk of Spousal Assault An International Approach to Reduce Domestic Violence and Prevent Recidivism

Hardback (01 Feb 2008)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Gathers contributions form experts in the field of violence (especially domestic violence), victimisation to present state of art in the risk assessment of domestic violence cases. It addresses how domestic violence relates to escalation of violence and even homicides, one of the risks of domestic violence, and how, and if, these risks can be assessed, and the implication from a point of view of law enforcement, treatment, as well as research.

Book information

ISBN: 9781604560398
Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc
Imprint: Nova Science Publishers
Pub date:
DEWEY: 362.82922
DEWEY edition: 22
Weight: -1g