Hebrew Text and Lexicon of Genesis

Hebrew Text and Lexicon of Genesis

Paperback (03 Sep 2007)

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Hardback (03 Sep 2007) $33.34

Publisher's Synopsis

If you know the Hebrew alphabet then you're ready for this book. With the resources contained within it you will begin to interpret and translate the original Hebrew language of the Bible for yourself. Once you have learned the Hebrew alphabet and have some basic understanding of Hebrew grammar you are ready to read and translate the Bible for yourself. This book contains the Hebrew text of the book of Genesis as well as a lexicon listing each and every Hebrew word as it appears in the Biblical text with its prefixes, suffixes and conjugations intact assisting the reader with interpreting difficult and unknown words. A dictionary of each Hebrew word is also included for more in-depth study of Hebrew words. By working through the book of Genesis using the tools available in this book one will soon be on their way to reading the Bible without the aid of a translator.

Book information

ISBN: 9781602640580
Publisher: Virtualbookworm.com Publishing
Imprint: Virtualbookworm.com Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 232
Weight: 358g
Height: 230mm
Width: 157mm
Spine width: 15mm