
Portraits Discover Dynamic Techniques for Creating Lifelike Heads and Faces in Watercolor

Paperback (25 May 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The light and airy qualities of watercolor lend it to creating luminous portraits that are full of life. In Watercolor Made Easy: Portraits, award-winning artist Peggi Habets invites artists to learn the secrets of rendering beautiful, lifelike portraits using this sometimes tricky medium. Techniques specific to painting lifelike portraits and detailed information on tools and materials are included. A variety of diverse and contemporary subjects appeal to a wide variety of tastes and artistic styles in this educational and approachable book.

Book information

ISBN: 9781600582776
Publisher: Walter Foster
Imprint: Walter Foster
Pub date:
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 220g
Height: 167mm
Width: 241mm
Spine width: 6mm