NPR Sunday Puzzles

NPR Sunday Puzzles - OverDrive MP3 Audiobook

eBook (01 Sep 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Portable, enjoyable hands-free puzzles from longtime NPR Puzzlemaster Will Shortz and special guests.

Will Shortz believes that "we're living in the golden age of puzzles now . . . puzzles have never been better." He should know. Shortz has been crossword editor of The New York Times since 1993 and NPR puzzlemaster even longer, challenging Weekend Edition Sunday listeners with on-air puzzles since the program's start in 1987.

This collection features Shortz and NPR host Liane Hansen in stimulating conversation, guiding listeners through puzzles filled with creative wordplay. Programs include the one before Shortz's appearance on The Simpsons (with prizes announced by Mr. Burns and Smithers, voiced by Harry Shearer), Hansen's birthday show (her children read the list of prizes), and two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks as a mystery guest who sticks around to help the delighted contestant.

Book information

ISBN: 9781598879018
Imprint: HighBridge Company
Pub date:
Language: English
Weight: -1g