Publisher's Synopsis
This memoir is based on my experiences in this world. Bob Marley, Princess Diana, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. have all talked about essentially the same thing: that there is One Universal Love that flows inside us all. And yet, life is often about harmonizing with the co-existence of opposite values. We constantly strive for balance within ourselves between life and death, being happy or sad, up and down, love and fear, pain and growth, and light and dark. One cannot exist without the other. Together, and individually, we all travel this vast spectrum at our own rate of speed and in our own unique ways. Experiencing these opposites is what often makes this journey interesting. Only by keeping our focus on the positive as much as possible, can we achieve, and enjoy, a healthy balance. But, if life is an inevitable balance between up and down, and good and bad, are we all at the mercy of the changing tides? How do we directly impact our experience? Why do so many of us wait for something bad to happen in our lives before we actually wake up and begin to move through life seeing clearly, as Nature intended. All too often we must go through many forms of pain before we discover the true growth that was intended for us. My own conscious contact came about as a result of a devastatingly painful experience, after which I began to realize that nothing is impossible, and that only together, can we realize this truth. I began to understand how much we all share in this life, and I realized we are clearly meant to work through our pain collectively. Together, we will discover happier states of existence. It is only with the true caring and sharing of so many, that I was able to survive a potentially insurmountable ordeal, and I am here today to share with you all I have learned. And this is my story -- of how I came to experience, embrace, and be transformed by, that Universal Love that great men and women before me, have also discovered. My goal is to connect and relate with you, my reader, on the most important and meaningful levels. I have learned that love is the answer, and when we open up to the many ways we can receive love every moment of our lives together, then life takes on a whole new meaning, one that will be better than anything we can imagine. It is my sincere hope that this book helps to heal, and promotes goodness in a world that can often be a tough playing field.