
Ignition What You Can Do to Fight Global Warming and Spark a Movement

Paperback (30 Jul 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The evidence is irrefutable: global warming is real. While the debate continues about just how much damage spiking temperatures will wreak, we know the threat to our homes, health, and even way of life is dire. So why isn't America doing anything? Where is the national campaign to stop this catastrophe?
It may lie between the covers of this book. Ignition brings together some of the world's finest thinkers and advocates to jump start the ultimate green revolution. Including celebrated writers like Bill McKibben and renowned scholars like Gus Speth, as well as young activists, the authors draw on direct experience in grassroots organization, education, law, and social leadership. Their approaches are various, from building coalitions to win political battles to rallying shareholders to change corporate behavior. But they share a belief that private fears about deadly heat waves and disastrous hurricanes can translate into powerful public action.
For anyone who feels compelled to do more than change their light bulbs or occasionally carpool, Ignition is an essential guide. Combining incisive essays with success stories and web resources, the book helps readers answer the most important question we all face: "What can I do?"

Book information

ISBN: 9781597261562
Publisher: Island Press
Imprint: Island Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 363.738747
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 285
Weight: 400g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 16mm