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Clarke's Universe

Clarke's Universe

Paperback (01 Feb 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In 'A Fall of Moondust', time is running out for the passengers and crew of the tourist-cruiser Selene, incarcerated in a sea of choking lunar dust. On the surface, her rescuers find their resources stretched to the limit by the pitiless and unpredictable conditions of a totally alien environment. 'The Lion of Comarre' presents the far-flung future where one city of extraordinary means was built on Earth -- Comarre -- and it is rumoured to still exist. None but a few know of its location. A young man with great prospects and no worries goes on a hunt for the fabled city, and what he finds is something mankind has only dreamed of.

Book information

ISBN: 9781596873063
Publisher: Milk & Cookies Press
Imprint: Milk & Cookies
Pub date:
DEWEY: 823.914
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 343
Weight: 352g
Height: 208mm
Width: 137mm
Spine width: 27mm