Publisher's Synopsis
A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: In remembering the writing of DIAMOND AND THE FOSTERS, I am reminded of an eight-foot-long, filled pillow my family used to all nap on during long Saturday afternoons. I am reminded of "pow-wows" my father used to call after getting promotions and bonuses. It is the same spot Diamond lands every time she sits in a circle, legs crossed, with her new family. In those moments, I am Her. Sitting, with a spark in my young eye, hoping for a chance to say what had just become perfectly clear. I cherish those memories, and I hope they can inspire parents and children to come together, in a circle, to share a little song.-md ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Michael David Weis is an educational writer and designer in Plano, Texas. He has written over 1,000 short stories, songs, essays, non-fiction pieces, poems, and games for use in schools nationwide. Additionally he is an actor, voice talent and develops online content for SEDL and the Texas Education Agency. Has been an Associate Producer and Post Supervisor for several movies and TV shows, and has worked for years as a New Media Developer. A writer and actor for most of his life, Michael David is known as MD, a creative person with a song in his heart (and usually his head.) MD is madly in love with his wife, Laura Lee, and is currently wrapped around the finger of his baby daughter, Anna. ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR: Matthew Avant is an artist and award-winning filmmaker. His film Lunopolis has played and won awards in film festivals in Australia, Britain, Brazil, Croatia, South Korea, the US, and others. He is an editor, producer, writer, proud husband of his wife Sarah, and proud keeper of his dogs, the mupps.