Jesus the King

Jesus the King Understanding the Life and Death of the Son of God

Paperback (05 Mar 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Previously published in hardcover as King's Cross

The most influential man to ever walk the earth has had his story told in hundreds of different ways for thousands of years. Can any more be said?

Now, Timothy Keller, New York Times bestselling author of The Prodigal Prophet and the man Newsweek called a "C. S. Lewis for the twenty-first century," unlocks new insights into the life of Jesus Christ as he explores how Jesus came as a king, but a king who had to bear the greatest burden anyone ever has. Jesus the King is Keller's revelatory look at the life of Christ as told in the Gospel of Mark. In it, Keller shows how the story of Jesus is at once cosmic, historical, and personal, calling each of us to look anew at our relationship with God. It is an unforgettable look at Jesus Christ, and one that will leave an indelible imprint on every reader.

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Book information

ISBN: 9781594486661
Publisher: Penguin Publishing Group
Imprint: Penguin Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 232.8
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 304
Weight: 295g
Height: 201mm
Width: 130mm
Spine width: 23mm