Rebekah in Danger

Rebekah in Danger Peril at Plymouth Colony - Sisters in Time

Paperback (01 Jul 2004)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Time Period: 1620 Nov. Freezing weather, lack of food, and sickness make the first winter at Plymouth Colony a difficult and dangerous time. What would that winter be like for a ten-year-old girl? Find out in Rebekah in Danger, part of the Sisters in Time series. Written especially for eight- to twelve-year-old girls, this dramatic story shows how a seventeenth-century girl-not terribly different from girls of the twenty-first century-overcame some of the most challenging difficulties imaginable. Though the main character is fictional, the events and experiences are very real-providing an ideal vehicle for teaching American history and Christian faith.

Book information

ISBN: 9781593103521
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Imprint: Barbour Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: [Fic]
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 137
Weight: 227g
Height: 212mm
Width: 154mm
Spine width: 10mm