Midnight in the Century

Midnight in the Century - New York Review Books Classics

Paperback (12 Mar 2015)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In 1933, Victor Serge was arrested by Stalin's police, interrogated, and held in solitary confinement for more than eighty days. Released, he spent two years in exile in remote Orenburg. These experiences were the inspiration for Midnight in the Century, Serge's searching novel about revolutionaries living in the shadow of Stalin's betrayal of the revolution. 

Among the exiles gathered in the town of Chenor, or Black-Waters, are the granite-faced Old Bolshevik Ryzhik, stoic yet gentle Varvara, and Rodion, a young, self-educated worker who is trying to make sense of the world and history. They struggle in the unlikely company of Russian Orthodox Old Believers who are also suffering for their faith. Against unbelievable odds, the young Rodion will escape captivity and find a new life in the wild. Surviving the dark winter night of the soul, he rediscovers the only real, and most radical, form of resistance: hope. 

Book information

ISBN: 9781590177709
Publisher: New York Review Books
Imprint: New York Review Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 843.912
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 229
Weight: 256g
Height: 202mm
Width: 132mm
Spine width: 14mm