Publisher's Synopsis
Barb Rogers combines authentic translations of Anasazi petroglyphs, found on rocks near her home, with years of experience reading the tarot to create an innovative, effective, brand-new divination system. Easier to learn and to read than the tarot, yet borrowing familiar, proven techniques, Rogers uses the imagery of Native American petroglyphs in the way the glyphs were originally intended to tell stories. The stories they tell help us answer our questions, make choices in life and love and work, and point us to our proper path.Rogers chose the 72 glyphs for the deck based on years of work in the field, in museums, and in reference books. She chose those images that speak to our lives on a primal level and can be used to focus on everything from ordinary events and concerns of work and love to the mystical. Like astrology and tarot, the glyph cards are a useful and usable tool in any vision quest.The book clearly explains the meaning of each of the symbols and includes an overview of how to consult the cards, including what kinds of questions to ask and how to phrase them. It shows different layouts.It explains in detail what each glyph means alone and in conjunction with others, and what the position of each means in the overall story the glyphs are telling you. The square glyphs can be positioned in any one of four ways in a reading: right side up, reversed, facing left, facing right.