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Prophecy and Gender in the Hebrew Bible

Prophecy and Gender in the Hebrew Bible

Hardback (07 May 2021)

  • $76.72
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Publisher's Synopsis

Both prophets and prophetesses shared God's divine will with the people of Israel, yet the voices of these women were often forgotten due to later prohibitions against women teaching in public. This latest volume of the Bible and Women series focuses on the roles of these women in what is known as the Former Prophets (Joshua to 2 Kings) and the Latter Prophets of the Hebrew Bible. Each essay considers women as subjects and agents of prophecy shaped by various phenomena in the Bible and the ancient Near East, the sociohistorical background of the prophetic narratives, and the complex intersection of prophecy and gender in the prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible. Contributors employ innovative gender-oriented approaches to the exegesis of the texts, ranging from trauma studies to postcolonialism and beyond.

Book information

ISBN: 9781589835658
Publisher: Society of Biblical Literature
Imprint: SBL Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 220.6082
Language: English
Number of pages: 456
Weight: 835g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 29mm