Indestructible Foundations

Indestructible Foundations

Paperback (01 Jan 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This workbook presents, in outline form, concise information on the fundamentals of Christianity. Historical information and insights provided, such as several charts on Biblical prophecies and arguments for Jesus and the inspiration of the Bible. It is intended to convert unbelievers to Christianity and strengthen those who are already Christians. Peter J. Wilson was a preacher and teacher for the Church of Christ.Useful for Home Bible Studies, Regular Bible Classes, Sermon Outlines, Vacation Bible Schools, and Handbook for Teenagers. Table of Contents - Preface - Lesson 1: The Arrangement and Value of Home Bible Studies - Lesson 2: God Is - Lesson 3: The Bible is the Word of God - Lesson 4: Jesus Christ is the Son of God - Lesson 5: Authority in Religion - Lesson 6: Why You Need Christ - Lesson 7: Why You Need Baptism - Lesson 8: Why You Need the Church

Book information

ISBN: 9781584274063
Publisher: Guardian of Truth Foundation
Imprint: Guardian of Truth Foundation
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 84
Weight: 218g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 4mm