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How to Thrive in Perilous Times

How to Thrive in Perilous Times Living Beyond the World System

Paperback (10 Nov 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Scripture says perilous times will come, but believers are not to be troubled by them. Author and pastor Happy Caldwell reveals how to live in victory regardless of circumstances - by knowing God's promises of provision and protection and releasing your faith to receive.

Jesus says in Matthew 24 that when troubling times come, you are to be wary of religious deception and to keep your heart from worry. Instead, stay close to God through prayer, fellowship, and the Word - trust Him to take care of you. In the book of Timothy, the Apostle Paul counsels believers to continue in the things they have learned and to know what the Word of God promises them.

By strengthening themselves in these four areas believers can prosper even when trouble is all around them: Believers who know their Lord and learn to follow after the peace in their heart can avoid trouble. By faith, they can rise above the faulty world system of health, finances, and success, and prosper with the favor of God

Book information

ISBN: 9781577949817
Publisher: Destiny Image Incorporated
Imprint: Harrison House
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 98
Weight: 68g
Height: 150mm
Width: 102mm
Spine width: 10mm