Publisher's Synopsis
Finding a good job is the best way to quickly transform one's life. That's especially true for ex-offenders with red flags in their backgrounds. Knowing employers are reluctant to hire them, many ex-cons face rejections and lose hope. Indeed, lacking job search smarts - from properly writing resumes, networking for job leads, and acing job interviews -- many go from one dead end job to another . . . and then back to prison. For many, their odorous rap sheet becomes their resume!
The good news - most ex-offenders ARE employable. Indeed, each year thousands of ex-cons find rewarding jobs that change their lives. They discover many employers are willing to give them a second chance. But these job seekers must first communicate their qualifications to prospective employers through powerful resumes and letters -- the most important step for getting a job interview.
Best Resumes and Letters for Ex-Offenders is the first book to address the unique job search challenges facing ex-offenders as they prepare to communicate their qualifications to employers. Written by two of America's leading career experts, this book is jam-packed with the latest information, tips, strategies, and examples of what you must do in order to get the critical job interview. It includes:
- 25 things you must know about resumes
- 35 writing mistakes you should avoid
- 19 frequently asked questions and expert advice
- Step-by-step resume writing instructions
- 40 examples of 2 types of winning resumes
- 8 types of job search letters
- 42 examples of effective letters you should write
- Resume and letter evaluation forms
- Resume writing worksheets
- 400+ action verbs and personality descriptors
- Re-entry resources and digital skills for ex-offenders
Follow the principles, tips, and examples outlined in this book and you, too, will join the growing ranks of ex-offenders who have transitioned from rap sheet to resume. They began changing their broken lives by finding a good job. You'll quickly discover that a well-crafted resume and letter can open the doors of employers. Best of all, you'll get interviewed and hired, because you organized an effective job search according to the many principles outlined in this special book.
5-star unsolicited reviews of first edition on
"Excellent book! Highly recommended!"
"Worth every penny."
"A must for ex-offenders."
"Great tips (for including prison experience) without lying."