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Accounting--By Principle or Design?

Accounting--By Principle or Design?

Hardback (28 Feb 2003)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Distinguishing between accounting by design, in which accounting techniques and solutions are selected because they fit a pre-established goal, and accounting by principle, in which accounting techniques and solutions are selected according to principle and regardless of whether they mesh with preconceived ideas about the outcome, Riahi-Belkaoui describes designed accounting in detail. Characteristics of accounting by design can be found in income smoothing, earnings management, creative accounting, fraud, and slack. Preparers and users of accounting information, and anyone interested in the burgeoning accounting crisis, should find this book very valuable.

Book information

ISBN: 9781567205534
Publisher: ABC-CLIO
Imprint: Praeger
Pub date:
DEWEY: 657
DEWEY edition: 21
Language: English
Number of pages: 276
Weight: 560g
Height: 247mm
Width: 157mm
Spine width: 26mm