The Technology Change Book

The Technology Change Book Change the Way You Think About Technology Change

Paperback (04 Jul 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

As change goes, technology implementation is as big as it gets. Technology is a breathtaking investment. It often takes significant revenue and heck of a lot of work, devouring profitability, time, focus, and energy. Why do we do it? For the huge upsides: competitiveness, survival, domination, success. This book is for anyone whose neck is on the line to deliver.

How do you make sure you deliver? The key is to get people to use technology correctly. Technology is a tool. If you can't harness the power of the people in your organization to use that tool correctly, you've lost. Authors Tricia Emerson and Mary Stewart, lifetime change professionals, posed a question to themselves and their colleagues: What do you wish you had known when you started your toughest technology project? The result is The Technology Change Book.

The tools in this book will help you:

  • Build a case for change.
  • Learn how to build a change team and create a change plan.
  • Communicate effectively.
  • Measure behavior change and react appropriately.

  • Book information

    ISBN: 9781562868109
    Publisher: Association for Talent Development
    Imprint: ATD Press
    Pub date:
    DEWEY: 658.514
    DEWEY edition: 23
    Language: English
    Number of pages: 312
    Weight: 460g
    Height: 178mm
    Width: 153mm
    Spine width: 16mm