Publisher's Synopsis
This is an important and timeless work for a variety of reasons, and New Falcon Press is proud to state that it should fufill an important need. First, it attempts to reduce methodically all metaphysical systems -- including Unity and New thought in all phases -- to historical developments emerging from Christian Science. Secondly, its interpretation is along psychoanalytical lines. The author and publisher believe this book should answer many questions raised regarding the relationship of metaphysics and modern psychological science. The author provides a comprehensive survey of the entire field by exegesis on its own metaphysical level and provides analytical insight into the mental structure of the founders. This is provided with sound scholarship, good judgement and sympathetic insight. No other author could cope adequately with this subject in the wide, synthetic and challenging manner evinced by the author in this amazing book. It is a book to be read from cover to cover, put on one's bookshelf as part of the permanent collection, and re-read from time to time.