Welcome to the World of Beavers

Welcome to the World of Beavers - Welcome to the World

Paperback (01 Mar 1999)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The world of beavers is world of teeth - four amazing front teeth that are constantly growing. Strong as chisels, the teeth allow beavers to eat bark, twigs, and leaves. The teeth are even strong enough to chomp through a thick trunk - no saws required!

Includes a table of contents, index, sidebars, and full of extraordinary photography throughout.

Book information

ISBN: 9781551108537
Publisher: Whitecap Books
Imprint: Walrus Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 599.37
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: 91g
Height: 204mm
Width: 203mm
Spine width: 4mm