Publisher's Synopsis
Is your partner's jealousy sabotaging your relationship? Do you feel their suspicion and constant attempts to control your behavior are ruining an otherwise really loving and satisfying bond between you? Do you wish you knew what to do or say to let them know that their fears are unfounded and you are committed to the relationship? If so, then Jealousy: How to Handle a Jealous Partner; 10 Proven Ways to Deal with Jealousy is the perfect book for you! In this brief but information-packed guide to helping your partner overcome their jealousy, you'll learn: -What jealousy truly is -Where your partner's jealousy is coming from -How to be open and honest about your needs and feelings -How to build trust in your relationship -How to set healthy boundaries in your relationship so that jealous behavior doesn't overwhelm you -How to communicate calmly and effectively to de-escalate tension -How to make yourself available and attentive to your partner's needs -When to give extra support and affection -How to validate your relationship -The importance of revisiting the issues regularly