Publisher's Synopsis
Learn The Secrets To Living A Happy Marriage As a married couple, the two of you are passengers together on this road called life. But in this lifelong road trip, it's not just one person at the wheel, you both are. And how you interact each other will dictate the course in which your marriage will go. If you decide that being prideful and always insisting you are right in every single argument or disagreement is a priority, you will most likely find your marriage heading south.
But if you take the time to consider your partner's feelings and make heartfelt efforts at true love and understanding, your journey in marriage will take you to exciting new horizons. Having that said, if your marriage seems to be going off course, let me give you some hope, because it is almost never too late too change the road that you are on.
If you are feeling lost you just need a few guide posts, and tried and true relationship mile markers and land marks to get you back on the right path. This book seeks to be that helpful sign post on the open road of your marriage, leading you back to where you need to be. This book demonstrates through several pragmatic examples, the steps you need to take in order to pull your marriage back from the brink and safeguard it from future distress.
Your married life does not have to be a place of chaotic angst, with a little bit of concerted effort you can bring back the joy and comfort that a happy marriage is supposed to bring. This marriage guide does not seek to ignore the hard issues, but hits them head on. Because when we shine the spotlight of our love on the darkness of doubt it has to flee. Use this book to help you turn the light of your love back on, and never turn it off.
Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Learn...
- How To Argue More Effectively
- How To Find A Common Ground
- Getting To Know Your Spouse's Needs
- How To Keep Others From Meddling
- How To Make Married Life More Exciting
- And Much, Much More!