Publisher's Synopsis
Congratulations on selecting this book! The payment card industry and payment card security is a growth industry! When I was a PCIP (Payment Card Industry Professional) certification candidate, I looked for test questions and exercises that could gauge how I was doing when studying for the certification exam. At the time, I would have loved to have had access to a book like this! However, to my disappointment, I found no resource that would allow me to access a full blown test bank and exercises to more clearly judge my progress. While studying, I wrote my own questions and yes, I passed the PCIP certification exam. Many of my practice questions and exercises written during my study process went into this book. My goal in writing this book is to provide support for other Payment Card Industry Professional (PCIP) candidates who are interested in sitting for the certification exam by passing on this valuable resource. This book does not replace the downloadable study material from the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council website. Studying the PCI SSC material is critical to understanding the material and exam success. As a matter of fact, all candidates are encouraged to thoroughly study the material on the PCI SSC website before accessing the 320 practice questions and exercises in this book. Obtaining the PCIP certification demonstrates to your employer that you are a qualified and valuable team member when it comes to PCI compliance and audits. How well you do on the PCIP certification exam could have a significant impact on your future.