Publisher's Synopsis
Many do not know who Jesus is- Because we have a adversary- Adversarie/s also known as enemie/s- One/s who rebelled against God and been here since beginning of time- Setting up all these ways to try take y/our souls- This one God now calls out after what he had done as the god of this world- Same one behind the fall of adam and eve, and all us humanity- Same one who coming to do just like he said, one day in his heart- Who is coming to sit in that temple that will be built as the most high-? After they got what they wanted- ! Your souls- ! When and where he will reveal himself to the Nations-! World- When and where they all will- ! When they going to desecrate that temple take over Jerusalem and then the world- ! When they going to enforce thet Mark of the Beast and go on there killing spree beheading everyone who did not follow this Beast- Worship his Image or take his Mark- That Image of the Beast that will speak? That Mark of the Beast for Peace and Safety- ! CHECK MATE All that damns your souls to Hell forever with them-! That place not originally prepared for us but Lucifer the devil Satan and the Fallen Angels- The Beast that is rising- ! Why We Needed A Savior- !