Publisher's Synopsis
"Surveying Hebrews-Revelation," is a part of the Surveying the New Testament series. This series unites nineteen esteemed Bible teachers, to accomplish one lofty task: to provide a user friendly, theologically conservative, and financially affordable resource within the grasp of every serious student of the Word. The contributors of this series are comprised of college and seminary professors, as well as veteran pastors. All of these contributors serve as resident or adjunct faculty of Word of Life Bible Institutes internationally. Each one is committed to the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture. This volume provides a big picture overview of Hebrews through Revelation, one chapter for each book. Each chapter begins with a concise introduction, followed by a carefully constructed outline and survey of each respective book. This survey highlights the most important concepts and explains the most difficult passages. One of the very unique and exciting aspects of this project is that each of these Bible expositors donated his time and expertise to the writing of this resource. This endeavor was a labor of love. One hundred percent of the net proceeds go to the Solid Foundation Scholarship Fund. This scholarship fund helps financially needy Central and Eastern Europeans attend a Word of Life Bible Institute. Our Bible Institutes will help these young people to establish a strong Biblical foundation upon which they can build a bright future for the glory of God!