Publisher's Synopsis
The Bell Bottom High series introduces Reecy Jones, a book-smart, fourteen-year-old, high school freshman, attending Bell High School in the fictional town of Clifton, Arkansas. In this first book, one of Reecy's classmates, Lena Turnipseed, comes to her for advice in the fall of 1973. Lena is pregnant and wants to run away from home to avoid embarrassing her professional parents, getting kicked out of her church, and attending an alternative school across town.Reecy reluctantly agrees to help her classmate find a shelter for unwed mothers where Lena can hide out until after the baby is born. Although Reecy and Lena are not really friends, Reecy swears to keep the location a secret while Lena plots a getaway plan.When the pressure mounts, will Reecy keep Lena's secret or will it be too much for her to handle?