Publisher's Synopsis
-The Mystery of the Wooden Rose- is the culmination of a story that begins when young Gypsy lad Eddie carves a token for his childhood sweetheart. In Before the Rose, set in the 1800's, we discover the way of life of travelling families, we observe and enjoy their customs, and as we follow their hardships we fall in love with the characters. In the heat of the moment under tragic circumstances, Mary utters a vile curse and we learn that it is not just the sins of the fathers that come back to haunt us but also the sins of the mothers. In The Wooden Rose, Alina finds the token 100 years after it was lost, and this sparks a chain of events at a time in her life when she has lost everything that she holds dear to her. Embarking on a new path she solves a mystery, finds love and reconnects with her roots through the appearance of a ghost. In After the Rose, Alina is asked by the police to help with a cold case; a missing teenager, and in spite of the risk to herself, she agrees. She has made a promise to the Goddess to help those in need whenever she can, hoping and believing that good deeds will in some way break the curse made by her ancestor Mary so long ago. Alina's pagan faith has taught her that what you put out comes back to you threefold and her mission is to break the curse so that it no longer affects anyone especially the children that she hopes to have in the future. Every month, in the dark of the Moon she performs her banishing ritual, Will this be enough, or will Alina's future happiness be marred by sins of the past.