Publisher's Synopsis
A fictional story of young Dijana Gojkovic, a talented violinist along with her family escapes Nazi occupied Yugoslavia on a terrifying and tragic journey over the Alps to find refuge in neighboring Albania. Reunited with friends, Dijana finds herself recruited by the exiled Queen of Albania and the U.S. Government as a part of a dangerous plan to recruit and arm a stalled resistance movement. The 'Unity Plan," masked as a public relations ploy is unwittingly supported by the Nazi Colonel Rudolph Albrecht. Infatuated with the allure of the "Queens Violinist," a sociopathic Albrecht becomes furious at the frenzied reaction by her countrymen to her rousing rendition of the country's most beloved patriotic music. His demonic furor reaches Dijana in a anticlimatic confrontation. A mix of history and fantasy, the story traces the slaughter in Kragujevac, Yugoslavia to the horrors of the Hamburg bombing. Dijana plays a shocking but pivotal role in the rise of the Albanian Resistance and the liberation of her adopted country.