Publisher's Synopsis
What's the Whole30? Whole30 is a 30-day (duh) clean-eating plan designed to clean up your eating habits by cutting out foods that might be having a negative impact on your health (a.k.a. making you feel crappy). Yes, we're talking about the foods that are super hard to give up: dairy, sugar, grains, legumes, and alcohol. Committing to the Whole30 is breaking up with the booze-filled, dessert-every-night, carb-fueled diet that we've been following for the past month (french fries are vegetables, right?), and instead, swiping right for clean proteins and vegetables. Let's break that down. What You Can Eat All hail the yes list. Meat. Yes to a burger, no to a bun. Poultry. So. Much. Chicken. Sausage. Fish. You can even eat the canned stuff. Veggies. Your options are limitless. Fruits. An apple a day keeps your sweet tooth at bay. Fats. Avocados every single day. What You (Absolutely, Positively) Can't Eat No sugar or natural or artificial sweeteners. Nope, not even maple syrup. No booze. Make dry January great again! No smoking. We mean weed too. No grains. Time to empty your jar of quinoa. No beans or legumes. No chickpeas, no peanut butter. No soy. Tofu is a goner. No dairy. Cheese is dairy, guys. No processed additives. Carrageenan, sulfites, MSG. No fake treats with Whole30-approved ingredients. Sorry, cauliflower crust pizza and Paleo pancakes, you're off-limits. This rule is all about building a healthier relationship with your food, and we think it actually works. You got this. It's just 30 days. Click on BUY BUTTON for more information tag;Whole30, whole foods recipes, whole foods cookbook, whole 30 diet, whole foods diet, whole food recipes, whole food 30 diet, whole 30 slow cooker, whole 30 vegetarian, Whole30, whole 30 cookbook, whole food 30, whole 30 recipes, whole 30 diet plan, Whole 30, whole30 cookbook, whole 30 challenge, whole