Publisher's Synopsis
Marriage lessons learnt, observed, heard and experienced. Marital woes, bliss and more... Learning to cope with societal demand and personal needs when married. Number one on any list of statements or questions married people do not need to hear is a reminder that they are married! It is not a disease, it is a commitment made by choice. My marriage did not stop my living, it enhanced it. But you are married, Why......? Your perception of me is not my reality neither is it my pain. If the way I chose to live my life pains you, then maybe it is time for self-reflection. "fixing" my life will not complete your life. It will not "fix" what is broken in you. You have your opinions on how marriage should operate and I respect that. Make no mistake though, your views and mine differ and do not need to be the same. There are many ways to attain a goal. Strategies and techniques will differ but the ultimate result should be the determinant of success. So many marriages have failed because they aspire to mirror another based-on opinion, talks, advice etc The worst thing you can do is provide the right answers to someone else's test questions. Because you were busy studying their test questions. You will fail in your test. Your examination is different and uniquely designed for you. Resist the urge to compare and compete. Simply enjoy your journey and enhance as needed. Marriage is a never-ending institution.