Publisher's Synopsis
Available for grades 3-8 North Carolina Rise & Shine Mathematics Each of these workbooks provides on-grade-level mathematics practice. These titles are aligned with North Carolina's standards for mathematics to serve as even better test preparation tools. Each workbook has been developed based on extensive research and is directly aligned to the mathematics standards as established by the state. Hundreds of practice questions match the format and content that students can expect to see on the EOG Mathematics Test, ensuring that students are familiar with these elements of the test before walking in to take it. Many questions include graphic representations, an important part of the EOG Mathematics Test. And as an added bonus, each workbook includes two practice tests, a major improvement for the series and a true means of assessing each student's to-date strengths and weaknesses in EOG mathematics. Teacher editions include extensive test-specific introductory guides and show correct and suggested answers for each of the questions asked, as well as the targed standard for the questions. For students who are working below grade level, Rise & Shine Mathematics is available in an ungraded version - Mastering North Carolina Math