Publisher's Synopsis
The Wildflower Challenge is a journal for keeping track of all of the wildflowers that you can find with their descriptions and notes. The challenge is filling the entire journal with different species. This can be challenging, as some flowers only bloom for a week or two before the blooms wither and there is nothing left of them. This book contains some pages in the front for your notes to brush up on important identity traits so your descriptions will be accurate and precise, a table of contents to keep track of your journal entries, and there's even space for references. Each entry contains a dot-grid page for pictures or drawings so you can sketch the wildflowers or attach photos. An example is included for you in order to show you the intended use of each space, and the book is small enough to fit into a backpack or medium to large purses. Don't be afraid to crack those pages when you see something growing on the edge of a parking lot where Mother Nature has started sneaking in. But, above all, look for beauty, stay safe, and remain the colorful and vibrant wildflower that you know you are!