Publisher's Synopsis
ABSTRACT OF THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR 10 A DEDICATORY PRAYER 12 THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE 12 Part One 15 Chapter I. 15 The description of true devotion II. 17 The propriety and excellency of devotion III. 19 Devotion is compatible with every station of life IV. 20 Of the necessity of a guide to conduct us in the way of devotion V. 22 That we must begin by purifying the soul VI. 23 Of the first purgation which is that of mortal sin VII. 24 Of the second purgation which is that of affections of sin VIII. 25 Of the means to make this second purgation IX. 26 First meditation.- On our creation X. 28 Second meditation.- On the end for which we were created XI. 30 Third meditation.- On the benefits of God XII. 32 Fourth meditation.- On sin XIII. 34 Fifth meditation.- On death XIV. 36 Sixth meditation.- On judgment XV. 38 Seventh meditation.- On hell XVI. 39 Eighth judgment.- On heaven XVII. 41 Ninth meditation.- By way of election and choice of heaven XVIII. 43 Tenth meditation.- By way of election and choice which the soul makes of a devout life XIX. 45 How to make a general confession XX. 46 An authentic protestation, to engrave in the soul the resolution to serve God and to conclude the acts of penance XXI. 48 Inferences drawn from the foregoing protestation XXII. 49 That we must purify ourselves from affection to venial sin XXIII 51 That we ought to purify ourselves from an affection to unprofitable amusements XXIV. 52 That we must purge ourselves from our evil inclinations Part Two I. 53 Of the necessity of prayer II. 55 A short method for meditation; and, first, of the presence of God, which is the first point of preparation III. 57 Of invocation, the second point of the preparation IV. 58 Of the third point of preparation, which consists in proposing the subject of the mystery on which we intend to meditate V. 59 Of considerations, which form the second part of the meditation VI. 60 Of affections and resolutions, the third part of meditation VII. 61 Of the conclusion and spiritual nosegay VIII. 62 Certain profitable advices on the subject of meditation IX. 64 Of the dryness which we sometimes experience in meditation X. 65 Of the morning exercise XI. 66 Of the evening exercise and the examination of conscience XII. 67 Of spiritual recollection XIII. 69 Of aspirations, ejaculatory prayers, and good thoughts XIV. 72 Of the holy sacrifice of mass, and how we ought to hear it XV. 74 Of vespers, and other public exercises XVI. 75 Of the honor and invocation of saints XVII. 76 How we ought to hear and read the word of God XVIII. 77 How we ought to receive inspirations XIX. 79 Of holy confession XX 81 Of frequent communion XXI. 83 How we ought to communicate Part Three I. 85 Of the choice we ought to make as to the exercise of virtues II. 88 A continuation of the former discourse about the choice of virtues III. 90 Of patience IV. 93 Of exterior humility V. 95 Of more internal humility VI. 98 That humility makes its love our own abjection VII. 100 How we are to preserve our good name in the practice of humility VIII. 102 Of meekness towards our neighbor, and remedies against anger IX. 104 Of meekness towards ourselves X. 106 That we mast treat our affairs with diligence, but without eagerness or solicitude XI. 108 Of obedience XII. 110 Of the necessity of chastity XIII. 112 Advice how to preserve chastity XIV. 114 Of poverty of spirit to be observed in the midst of riches Plus 60 more chapters and Epilogue!