Publisher's Synopsis
Linux: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Linux Operating System
Linux: The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Linux Operating System is a quick-reference guide that will walk you through installation, configuration, and usage of the Linux OS.If you are new to this operating system, this book will allow you to get complete instructions on how you can quickly use Linux on your computer, learn how to operate programs and browse the internet, and use shortcuts that will allow you to navigate through the operating system with ease.This book is designed in such a way that you do not have to read all the chapters subsequently - you can jump from one chapter or section to another, depending on what topic you need to look up.Here are some of the things that you can get out of this book: -Get Linux up and running -Master basic functions and operations -Accomplish more advanced tasks-Get updated regarding changes to Linux server system management-Become acquainted with the Linux file system and processes-Set up your network, add connections, and surf the web-Make use of the Linux command lineOrder your copy now!