Publisher's Synopsis
Revd Christopher Huggett is one of the most original process theologians of our time. Unlike most other such writers, who are scientists or philosophers, Christopher writes as a New Testament scholar. His work is informed and erudite, but is easily understood by the ordinary person. It is firmly grounded in traditional Christianity, but is relevant and pertinent to the twenty-first century. It is outlined in "A Theology of Becoming" and subsequent essays in "Becoming Christian". Christopher has a unique approach to the New Testament, which gives surprising insights into the history and thinking of the first Christians and challenges many conventional Christian assumptions. He has published these findings in a series of New Testament studies, the most significant of which is "Christian Beginnings". His monumental work, "The Chronological New Testament", now includes three volumes with a fourth expected in 2017. His writing is essential reading both for Christian theologians and for ordinary Christians and those enquiring about Christian faith in the modern world. This book begins with perceptive observations about how we read and study the New Testament and outlines Christopher's radical ideas about how this may best be done. There follows a reconstruction of the beginning of Christianity, from Jesus himself to the latest writings of the New Testament, founded on his careful study of the texts. The following chapters complement and bring up to date his fundamental theology, the theology of becoming. Those who have read his earlier books will find these fascinating and useful supplements. Those who have not will be stimulated to do so.